Daydreaming about feeling your happiest, healthiest + most flourishing self? 🌞

  • I see you.
  • Sitting there with a heart that aches for a life where you...

Wake up with oodles of energy – you're getting through your day with ease + still full-of-beans able to do everything you wanna do by the end of the day

Have a noggin’ that is so clear - uber focused, know what's going on + on top of EV-ERY-THANG in your work, life + mind #nailingit

Finally feel like your best self again - calm, motivated, healthy and so fudge-buckets happy that your heart can't help but cry happy tears

  • AND you have the peace of mind to know that if you find yourself slippery-dippin’ back to Fudgin' Hard Land…well, you have the knowledge, strategies and easy-as-pie tools to click your heels three times and go back to Happy + Healthy Land once more.

  • No, this isn’t a daydream.
  •  This is about to become your new life-long reality. 

  • And I’m itching in my booties to show you how! 

I know you're drowning in everything you 'should' be doing..

and all you want is to press pause and hop off the why-is-everything-so-fudgin-hard’ treadmill that is life right now…

But you are about to embark on the easiest, simplest + most life changing healing journey of your life that will have you absolutely flourishing in no time. 

The journey to your happiest + healthiest self begins HERE 👇 

Introducing the (insert twinkle fingers)

✨ DIY Healing Journey✨ 

 The easiest & most nourishing self-paced healing journey that will take you from struggling to feeling like your healthiest, happiest and most flourishing self - ASAP + long-term. 

If you’re ready to get your hands on the proven strategy and the easy practical steps that will help you to start feeling better ASAP and in the long-term

(Because who wants to feel like an utterly deflated balloon fudgin’ 24/7?!)

...then tuck your knickers in, because this easy-as-pie journey will have you flourishing in no time.

Even if you have no time, no energy + no mental capacity.

 I’ll be your magical healing guide and show you step-by-tiny-step exactly what to do and in what order to feel like your best self again. 

(I meant it when I said this will be incredibly easy!)

It’s time to prioritise your health + happiness so you can have overflowing goodness, capacity + time for everyone, everything, and every dream your heart and soul desires.

So let me show you how…

  • The first step on your DIY Healing Journey,
  • is picking your path…
  • The DIY Healing Journey is split into 3 stages.
  • Why?
  •  Because your healing journey is unique to you.
  • The symptoms you experience, the current health of your bod, mind and soul, the stresses going on in your life, and your current capacity level is all unique to you. So you get to choose which healing journey stage is right for you and what you currently need in order to flourish. 
  •  Each healing journey stage requires different treatment, nourishment and support. 
  • So it's important to choose the right path to get you the best results – ASAP and long-term.
  • If you currently feel like you’re ‘Struggling’, then starting your healing journey at ‘From Blooming to Blossoming’ will feel too hard, be too much on your body’s healing ability and drain your capacity dry.
  • So the perfect and most nourishing stage of the healing journey for you right now, is ‘From Struggling to Blooming’.
  • This means that whatever stage of the healing journey you’re at, whether you feel like you’re struggling, blooming or blossoming, you’ll always be able to access the specific tools and guidance you need to in order to effectively heal ASAP and for the long-term.
  •  You get to curate your own healing journey so it's tailored specifically to you, with each stage being in monthly payments so you can leave and rejoin at anytime. Stay at long as you need to heal. 
  • "How do I know which path is right for me?"
  • It’s easy peasy lemon squeezy! Choose the stage that sounds most like you or take this 👉 free quiz to reveal your answer.
This is for you if you’re:
  • Fudgin’ tired A LOT
  • Struggling to get on top of ev-ery-thang
  • Have a mind that’s chaotic + lacking brain juice to be able to think clearly
  • Easily irritated
  • The smallest things put you into overdrive + flood you with overwhelm, scatteredness + frazzledness
  • Wanting to spend more time on your own
  • Feel like your capacity has been drained nearly dry 
This is for you if you’re:
  • Feeling mostly energetic but crash in the afternoon
  • Get through 3/4 of the day feeling motivated + clear headed but eventually hit a wall
  • Feel calm + more patient until something happens and revs up the overwhelm, irritability + feeling on edge
  • On top of everything until a couple of extra things unexpectedly show up + you’re scrambling again
  • You’ve got some capacity in the tank 
This is for you if you’re:
  • Waking up naturally + have energy all day but hit a wall in the evening
  • Feel creative, can concentrate, on top of all tasks but feel drained dry by the end of the day
  • Only feel overwhelmed, stressed or on edge with big triggers
  • Can feel irritated but it easily and quickly disappears
  • Feeling happier and motivated for majority of the week
  • Itching to go socialise 
  • P.S. I recommend everyone starts at the From Struggling to Blooming stage to make sure you have the crucial health foundations down pat. We build on these in the following two stages.

Your chosen healing journey will grant you access to a treasure chest of goodies…

Heavenly Must-Have Supplements

The hot must-have list of super effective retail supplements which will speed up your healing, nip your symptoms in the bud, nourish your bod, help you feel better ASAP and heal your root causes so you can continue to feel good long-term 

DIY Blood Test Interpretation

A list of the exact blood tests which will contain the hidden golden answers about your health, and the easy steps on how to interpret your own results to see if you’re in the optimal reference range, and if not, exactly what to do to get you there

The Nourishing Health + Happiness Method

The step-by-easypeasy-step guide on exactly what to do to heal the root causes plaguing your health, bod, mind + soul so you can feel better ASAP and for the long-term (without the need for ongoing supplements, crazy diets or drinking unicorn blood)

Feel Good ASAP Bandaids

Access to an entire treasure chest of super effective bandaids which will give you the tools you need to quickly boost your energy, calm your mind, amp up your productivity, improve your sleep, soothe your overwhelm and irritability, and help you to feel like your healthiest + happiest self again ASAP

Simple Diet, Lifestyle + Mindset Support

that requires minimal time, effort or brain power. We focus on tiny tweaks which you can add on/change to something you're already doing so it's super easy but makes a huge impact. No removing your favourite food, spending hours doing self care or finding the effort to 'do the work' here

Exclusive Access to 1:1 Naturopath Consults

Want personalised support? You can add one-off 1:1 naturopath consults where we'll troubleshoot health issues, create a personalised prescription with access to potent supplements, or get my eyeballs on any of your test results.
(I'm fully booked with 1:1 so this is the only way to work with me)
Available from July 2024

Your magical  DIY Healing Journey  will give you all the glorious tools you need to finally…

  • Get everything done with ease AND have oodles of energy leftover to spend on all the things that light your soul up
  • Empty that noggin’ of all fuzz + chaos so you can finally pause, breathe and bask in a mind that’s quiet, calm, productive and oh so clear that your creativity is poppin’ off
  • Feel happy, healthy and good in yourself today AND long-term – hello flourishing and a fan-fudgin’-tastic life

It’s easy-as-pie to feel better ASAP and long-term.  All you need is the right effective tools for you and your level of health and you’ll create the most amazing, heart warming and freeing results for YOU.
(Meaning, you don't have to continue feeling bleugh + icky for long)

Get ready to feel so much closer to your healthiest and happiest self
(in the space of only a few weeks)

"Honestly 6 weeks ago I was a complete mess!"

I feel amazing now! Just simple lifestyle changes can make such a huge impact. I feel amazing! So FREE, relaxed! I now have boundaries and make rest a priority. The 1.1 sessions were the best part of the program!! I also really loved the modules! Sarah puts so much of her knowledge into these that I feel like I walked away and learnt so much!


"So much more positive and happier in life."

I felt so overwhelmed, mentally and physically drained. I had so many symptoms that I didn't realise were due to stress. Now I feel energised and motivated! I'm much more patient, no more snapping at people for silly things. So much more positive and happier in life. My physical symptoms have also gone away, thank goodness! I'm feeling motivated to look after myself better and live a life the way I want to. I've learnt to be more aware of how I'm feeling and be able to better handle situations because of it which has helped reduce my overwhelm. I've learnt strategies to keep myself calm that suit me which has helped me reduce my stress levels. Due to all of this plus some other things I learnt my symptoms have gone. For me I found this course really worked. It went through each topic week by week and it wasn't too much. I found the activities so useful and ones I can continually check in with which will help me maintain it long term. Sarah was also the BEST! She made me feel so at ease and understood what I was going through. I'm so happy I signed up! Best decision ever.


Are you wondering if the  DIY Healing Journey  is right for you?

Such a good question! Let me breakdown just some of the things the DIY Healing Journey will take you through...

1. You'll get simple bandaids so you can feel good ASAP + so your nervous system + body will feel calm enough to heal
2. You'll continue to feel good long-term because you'll get the step-by-step guide on how to heal these root causes...

Nourishment for your bod

How to optimise your sleep, balance your hormones,  replenish ALL nutrient deficiencies, boost your brain + neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, GABA), create a healthy yet easy diet, balance your blood sugars, rev up your libido...

Goodness for your lifestyle

Tips'n'tricks on creating boundaries that are so fudgin' nourishing to you, optimising your current routines to heal + energise rather than drain you, creating a clear + calming organisation + to-do method...

Uplifting mindset magic

Tweaks on how to nourish your mind, identify + rewire limiting beliefs, de-stress your bod + life, calm your brains subconscious stress response, create the life that is most aligned and recharging to your soul, bod + health...

Crystal clear clarity

Getting easy peasy ways on how to uncover the ideal self, soul-led dreams + dream life that is aligned with you and the clear steps on how to achieve them, discover your unique day-to-day destroyers and restorers...

And soooooo much more!

 While this can sound like A LOT, the DIY Healing Journey breaks it down into tiny + easy peasy steps so you can go from Struggling through to Flourishing and feel your healthiest + happiest self yet. 

First month is


Then only $182 per month


Per month


Per month

This is the  easiest journey  you’ll ever go on…

  • overwhelming and heart-breaking diets
  • a total life-overhaul
  • having to 'push through'
  • a truckload of supplements
  • blocking your nose as you gulp back unicorn blood
  • or spending every waking moment doing self-care
I purposely created this DIY Healing Journey so that all the steps you need to take you from struggle-town to your most fudgin’ flourishing self…

Are super-duper easy, really clear + require minimal effort, energy, brain power or time – because I know you haven’t got much left in the tank right now.

These simple tweaks + tricks are ones you can adapt to your current life with ease so you can finally skyrocket your energy, brain capacity, calmness, motivation + feelings of joy.

How do I know all this magic?  

*Cue my swanky entrance*

Oh hey, I'm your magical healing Dumbledore

Or Sarah if you’re a muggle 👋


While I may not be skilled at keeping plants alive or a cooking aficionado in the kitchen, I am an amazing magical healing guide when it comes to easily understanding your health and getting humans to feel like their best, happiest & healthiest selves.

This passion sky-rocketed after my awful stint with burnout in 2019.
After riding an exciting motivating high, I plummeted and started to feel drained, foggy minded, constant chest crushin' anxiety, overwhelmed by the smallest things, frequent headaches, sore throat, a bloated icky gut and a body that was crying for help.

I ignored my symptoms for months until one day I knew I'd ignored my health for too long. I went to cuddle my floofball Winter and I felt nothing. No happiness, no love, just numbness.
And I knew something had to change.
It was then that I threw myself into becoming intimately familiar with how the mind and body works so I could recover from it and feel like my most magical, healthiest & happiest self again – ASAP.

And how to stay that way, even when life kept trying to throw the most stressful monsters in the realm my way. And, oh boy, did I achieve the most heart warming success!

Now? I'm dedicated to helping other souls heal so they can feel like their healthiest & happiest magical selves, too.

"I’ve hugely improved on struggles I have had for years in a matter of weeks."

I’ve improved hugely in my health, putting my trust into someone is so beneficial, I’ve hugely improved on struggles I have had for years in a matter of weeks.  Sarah is so genuine & friendly and sometimes that kindness makes all the difference to your day & I’m so proud and grateful of how much this has improved all aspects of my well-being.


"So much more positive and happier in life."

I didn't notice a difference at first because it's been a gradual and EASY experience working with you. HOWEVER, looking back to where I was only 3 months ago is mind-blowing. I'm no longer stressed and overwhelmed working long hours every single day. I'm intentional with my work time and making time for myself to do the things that make me happy. I feel more in control of my stress, more knowledgeable on what my body needs and more flowy!


Have you been telling yourself “I’m Fine”

 If you feel your heart sinking because you’re 
  • Not spending time with your favourite humans + fluffballs because you're too pooped or have to spend every waking minute trying to catch up on ev-ery-thang
  • Snapping at others and feeling like a monster straight after
  • Feeling easily overwhelmed, anxious + out of control and like you can't switch off or sleep
  • Dreading the idea of getting more work or socialising because you're so fudgin' drained + you just want to be alone
  • Ignoring + sacrificing your relationship and struggling to find where your easy connection and fiery libido's disappeared to
  • Desperately wanting to press pause or have a total break because you're drained, flat, numb + even feeling good takes energy you don't have 
 Then you’re not fine. And you deserve so much more
You deserve to feel so full of life, joy, peace and freedom.

 The fact you’re here right now is your heart, soul & the universe telling you everything isn’t as fine and dandy as you might want to believe.

If you don’t feel right in yourself or your life isn’t how you want it to be – things need to change and the first step is prioritising your health + happiness.

Because you can’t be the person you want to be for others or fulfil the dreams your heart desires, if you’ve got nothing left in the tank.  Don’t ignore your health + happiness any longer, it’s time to prioritise you.

Are you thinking, "This all sounds too good to be true"

Then let me show you how one daydream became reality.

 We're going to zoom back in time to June 2023 when Courtney first started her healing journey. 
(Results shared completely with her consent)

In June 2023, Courtney was:

  • Super tired, struggled to get up in the morning, and slumped in the afternoon
  • Her brain was sluggish, forgetting what she was doing, uber brain foggy + had zero creativity for her biz
  • Didn't have the vitality or oomph to do the things she usually loved doing
  • Frequently getting sick and staying sick for weeks at a time
  • Her vision started to go blurry + she had a daily dull headache for 4 weeks solid

This had been her daily reality for 6 months.

But after four months of completing the simple first steps of the Struggling to Blooming healing journey and upgrading to include 1:1 naturopathic consults to get access to personalised potent supplements...

  • Courtney's energy sky-rocketed
  • her brain fog disappeared and she had the inspiration + oomph to be creative again
  • she had the juju to exercise multiple times a week (AND swim with her son on her back!)
  • she wasn't picking up minor sicknesses anymore
  • her headaches had gone
  • her vision was nearly fully back
  • and Courtney started to not only feel like her healthiest + happiest self, but had the energy + vitality of her early 20's again

Are you thinking, "This all sounds too good to be true"

Then let me show you how one daydream became reality.

 We're going to zoom back in time to June 2023 when Courtney first started her healing journey. 
(Results shared completely with her consent)

In June 2023, Courtney was:

  • Super tired, struggled to get up in the morning, and slumped in the afternoon
  • Her brain was sluggish, forgetting what she was doing, uber brain foggy + had zero creativity for her biz
  • Didn't have the vitality or oomph to do the things she usually loved doing
  • Frequently getting sick and staying sick for weeks at a time
  • Her vision started to go blurry + she had a daily dull headache for 4 weeks solid

This had been her reality for 6 months.

But after four months of completing the simple first steps of the Struggling to Blooming healing journey and upgrading to include 1:1 naturopathic consults to get personalised potent supplements...

  • Courtney's energy sky-rocketed
  • her brain fog disappeared and she had the inspiration + oomph to be creative again
  • she had the juju to exercise multiple times a week
  • she wasn't picking up minor sicknesses anymore
  • her headaches had gone
  • her vision was nearly fully back
  • and Courtney started to not only feel like her healthiest + happiest self, but had the energy + vitality of her early 20's again
  • How do I know if the DIY Healing Journey is right for me?
  • The DIY Healing journey isn’t for everyone so let’s have a looksie if it's right for you.

 The DIY Healing Journey is for you if... 

  • You’re fed up of waking up feeling unrefreshed, dragging yourself through the day, you can’t quieten your mind, you feel highly strung, irritable, icky and just not like yourself
  • You’re ready to make your health and happiness a priority and dedicate 30 minutes a week to do the simple-pimple steps to feel better than ever
  • You know you need to prioritise healing yourself so that you can get the capacity to be the person you want to be, create the life of your dreams and be there for others
  • Fed up of not getting answers
  • You’ve got no idea what to do to figure out why you feel this way (other than maybe get your iron checked but even treating that isn't making you feel 100% better)

 The DIY Healing Journey is not for you if... 

  • You want a quick fix (I so wish that existed!)
  • You just want to pop a supplement and be on your merry way (healing requires a bit more than this)
  • You’re not ready to prioritise your health and happiness
  • You haven’t got 30 minutes a week available
  • You're wanting to fix your gut, immunity or period/sex hormones only (while this membership can help, it doesn't go deep into how to heal their root causes)
  • You’re not ready to lose how you feel as part of your identity (If you’ve experienced your symptoms for a long time, they can become part of who you are. This membership helps you discover who you are without them, but if you’re not ready to let go that’s okay too) 

Questions that might be plaguing your noggin'

This journey is specifically for YOU! It's the cruisiest, easiest journey you'll ever go on.

All you need is around 30 minutes sprinkled throughout your week. You can watch/listen to the uber short modules while making food, having a shower, while doing a poop or in between jobs. And then actioning the steps will take hardly any time at all. We try to habit stack and add them to something you're already doing so that it's as easy as apple pie. (eating it, not making it!)

I know you either don't have time or your brain is utter mush that you haven't got the brain power or energy, and luckily the DIY Healing Journey was created specifically for you. The steps start with really easy ones that require minimal thinking. And their intention is to get you feeling better ASAP so that you do have more brain power and more energy to smash through your to-do's quicker, leaving you with more time to do the things you truly want to do.

Everyone’s healing journey is different and the length of time to heal and what's needed to help you heal will depend on what’s currently going on in your life.  AKA. The level of stress you're exposed to, your nutrient deficiencies, and all the other root causes draining your health, happiness + well-being dry.

The best way to know what to expect is to imagine your dream car. Your car has a battery to help it run and requires fuel to allow it to go. YOU are just like that car.
-Your battery is your nervous system: it needs to be regulated and happy to keep your body, mind and health in balance and feeling AH-mazing.
Your fuel tank is your overall capacity: the juice or vitality within you to create your energy, boost your immune system, give you thinking power, give you the capacity to feel calm, on top of things, happy and patient, heal your gut, and make you feel healthy + happy in all aspects of your body and mind.

If you're currently 'struggling', then your fuel tank is emptier than you want it to be and your battery and fuel tank might be sporting a few holes which are constantly draining you dry (no matter how much fuel you try to add back in).

How long it'll take to heal will depend on a few factors:
1. How holey your fuel tank is & what in your life will keep causing those holes to re-form.
These are your root causes - once we fix these, the holes will stop reforming and your fuel tank will be able to properly refill) eg. stress, nutrient deficiencies, all over the universe to-do's, etc

2.How much fuel is in your fuel tank
Are you currently sitting at 5%? 25%? 56%? 72%?

3. What you're currently doing to re-fuel your fuel tank
eg. sleep, down time, food, supps, good boundaries, self-care?

4. And the state of your battery
Is your nervous system on the fritz or feeling calm?

This can seem like a lot and an impossible feat, but don't fret because this is where I come in. I've put all my skillz and magical knowledge into an extremely easy and simple step-by-step guide to bandaid up the holey fuel tank, add more fuel back in, fix those holes and then treat the root causes of why those holes formed in the first place. You won't even realise you're doing it because the steps are broken down to be so easy! And when you follow the step-by-step guide, you'll eventually feel healthier, happier & like your best self again - ASAP & long-term. This is why I'm your personal healing Dumbledore with all the wise wisdom to help you on your healing journey.

As a rough guide, if you were currently struggling, then you'll start to notice improvements:
-Within a couple of weeks to 3 months (This is during your 3 months in the Struggling to Blooming membership): your energy, thinking power, mood, overwhelm, anxiety, how often you're getting sick - these all start to improve
-Within 6 months (This is during your 4-5 months in the Blooming to Blossoming membership): the above symptoms get even better, your habits will become subconscious routine + you'll have way more capacity
-Within 12-18 months (This is during your 5 months in the Blossoming to Flourishing membership): you'll be feeling well on your way to being ah-mazing human being and flourishing!

These ball-parks depend on the time you have available to dedicate to healing, what stressful monsters life will throw your way and the toll they have on your mind, bod + soul as they will drain your fuel-tank a wee bit. (eg. getting sick, something super stressful going on, can't remove something uber draining from your life, etc).

This is why the DIY Healing Journey is broken down into it's 3 stages and is a monthly membership - so you can do the stage that is most relevant to your current healing needs and you can stay in for as long or as short as you like!

Each stage of the healing journey is slightly different as they cater to a specific stage of healing your body is going through but they all follow a similar structure.

When you sign up, you’ll instantly have access to the first 4-5 steps. These include:
-1. A symptom and capacity check in (to get crystal clear on where your health currently sits so you can know what capacity you have available to heal and what treatment is most effective for you)
-2. The most effective supplements to start taking to feel better ASAP and long-term for a range of symptoms (think support for energy, overwhelm, anxiety, sleep, etc)
-3. Any highly recommended blood tests (and how to interpret them to see if your results are in the optimal reference range, and if not, what you need to supplement or do to fix them)
-4. And the first 1-2 steps specific to that stage of the healing journey

At the start of the second month, you’ll get access to the next 2 easy-peasy steps to focus on.

This is repeated every month until all steps have been released.
(3 months for Struggling to Blooming, 4 months for From Blooming to Blossoming and 5 months From Blossoming to Blooming)

It’s set up this way so you can get the most potent and effective results ASAP and to be able to continue to feel good long-term.

I tried releasing all steps at once…it was overwhelming as fudge! (Sorry to my past clients who navigated that experiment with me!)
This step-by-easy-step guide has been the most successful for sustainable results that continue to help you feel good for months and years after you’ve left the DIY Healing Journey.

You don’t have to use extra mental energy or capacity figuring out what you’re supposed to be doing. All you have to follow in my step-by-step guide. The steps are super easy and we adapt them to fit into your current life and routine. All you have to do is easily slot them in and continue to mindfully do them until they become part of your subconscious routine. It’s also why we only focus on 2 steps per month. Any more than that and it’s overwhelming as fudgesticles!

And if you'd like personalised support as part of your DIY Healing Journey, you'll have access to purchase one off naturopath consults with moi where we can hash out any health issues, the specific supplements you need (and get access to the practitioner and prescription only ones) or get my eyeballs on your blood test results. The one-off naturopath consults include 2 consults so we can dive into the topic and check back in 2-4 weeks later to see how it's going and if we need to make any tweaks to let you continue on your healing journey.

Just like one of my clients said:
"I didn't notice a difference at first because it's been a gradual and EASY experience working with you. HOWEVER, looking back to where I was only 3 months ago is mind-blowing. I'm no longer stressed and overwhelmed working long hours every single day. I'm intentional with my work time and making time for myself to do the things that make me happy. I feel more in control of my stress, more knowledgeable on what my body needs and more flowy!"

To bandaid your symptoms so you feel good ASAP and to heal the root causes so you feel good LONG-TERM, the DIY Healing Journey includes a mix of:
-Supplement suggestions (both nutrients and herbs)
-Diet tweaks
-Lifestyle tweaks
-Mindset + clarity nourishment

The supplements and herbs are used as a nourishing jumpstart, to speed healing up, as a crutch to get you feeling better ASAP + to give you more capacity. This then makes the diet, lifestyle and mindset tweaks easier + simpler to do. You can 100% do it without the supplements & herbs – it will just take a bit longer.

There is no right or wrong way: it’s your healing journey so you get to choose which is best for you!

Our aim is to make small and easy (aka require minimal energy or effort) diet, lifestyle and mindset tweaks that eventually become part of your subconscious routine and are super nourishing and fit your life. My aim is to get you feeling better, but do it so easily that it hardly feels like you've had to do anything at all.

Once you feel good and in later stages of the DIY Healing Journey, we'll start to remove the supplements and herbs because your mind + bod won't need them anymore.

From Struggling to Blooming: you can complete this in 3 months
From Blooming to Blossoming: you can complete this in 4 months
From Blossoming to Flourishing: you can complete this in 4 months

These are the minimal amount of months you’d need in each stage of the DIY Healing Journey in order to access all of the steps/modules for that healing journey stage.

But the DIY Healing Journey is set up just to be monthly payments so that you can curate your own unique healing journey and stay in as long as you need to heal. You can stay in longer, or you can leave earlier too (eg. after 1 month). Whatever length of time feels right for you and what you need.

*If you do end a specific stage of the DIY Healing Journey earlier than the minimum amount, it just means you won't get access to the steps that haven't been released yet.

For the supplements recommended in the membership, you can easily grab them online, at health stores, at some pharmacies and sometimes at the supermarket. They are all retail products so you can access them without a naturopaths prescription.

If you purchase the one-off 1:1 naturopathic sessions and get prescribed practitioner and prescription only supplements, I'll give you access to an online dispensary where you can access and purchase them from (they deliver it right to your door). Or if I recommend a personalised herbal or nutritional formula, I'll make it up in my dispensary and ship it directly to you (additional shipping cost is added).

Because everyone’s healing journey is different. Your current life stresses, your current capacity, the amount of time you have available and the level of your health will all influence the pace in which your bod, mind and soul can heal. No two clients of mine have ever been the same, and that’s true for you too.

You may only need 3 months in the 'From Struggling to Blooming' until you feel so much better, have all the foundations down pat and feel like you’re blooming and ready for the next stage: From Blooming to Blossoming. Or if you’ve got a lot on your plate, you go through a big stress, or anything else that life can throw your way, then you may need 6 months to fully go through From Struggling to Blooming, to fully heal and have all the tweaks and habits down pat. Both journeys are perfectly A-Okay, because they’re right for your health and your life. You get to decide the length of your healing journey, so you can have access for as long as you need.

This is why it's monthly payments, so you can curate your own healing journey and stay in as long as you need and rejoin at any time.

Unfortunately not. If you wish to pause your membership, you'll need to cancel it. (which you can do at any time) This is because your healing journey needs to be a continuous journey. If you pause, habits and tweaks 90% of the time slip by the wayside, and then when you resume your membership you have often lost the core fundamental tweaks and it gets overwhelming trying to do them all again while continuing with new tweaks too. (Cue healing paralysis, it's all too much and all healing stops)

So you can get the most out of it, get the results you want and your healing continues, the membership is continuous. If you do cancel, that's a-okay, when you re-sign back up you'll start from the beginning again so we can make sure all those fundamental steps are back in and in a way that isn't overwhelming or draining to you, your health and your bod.

All the steps are released after 3 months in From Struggling to Blooming, and after 4-5 months in From Blooming to Blossoming and From Blossoming to Flourishing, so you don't need to wait too long to have access to all of the steps again.

All the steps will still be 222% effective for you. The only step we need to caution is the supplement recommendations. I do thoroughly outline in each stage of the DIY Healing Journey which supps are safe with certain common medications, supps and health conditions.
(The supplement recommendations differ between each stage of the DIY Healing Journey so make sure you double check your medication/pre-existing health issues against the recommendations at each stage to make sure they're safe for you)

But I also offer the ability to snag a one off 1:1 naturopath session with me if you'd like to get personalised supplement suggestions (this membership is the only way to get one off sessions with me). In these sessions we can go through your current medication, supplements and health conditions and I will give you a personally tailored supplement recommendation list, and you’ll get access to stronger therapeutic practitioner and prescription only supplements since you’ve had a 1:1 session with me. 

Anything that requires a script and access from a qualified naturopath you won’t be able to access without adding on a 1:1 naturopath session with me. This is because legally a naturopath consult needs to happen before I can safely prescribe these stronger therapeutic supplements for you. They include potent nutrient and herb dosages and they can have the wrong negative effect if taken incorrectly or with the wrong symptoms.

I have scoured all the retail supplement companies out there and found ones that are the most potent that you can access without a naturopaths prescription and will be the most therapeutic for you. So you’ll get access to those specific recommendations at each stage of the healing journey. But if you do want to have a personalised supplement prescription that is individualised to your current level of health and get access to the practitioner and prescription only supplements, then you can book in for a one off naturopathic session with me. This will be available from July 2024. 

No they don't. If you'd like 1:1 consults you have two options:

#1. Inside the DIY healing Journey you have access to purchase one-off naturopath consults with me. These one-off 1:1 consults include 2 consults:
-Consult 1: we'll dive into what you need specific support with and get you started on support personalised to you (whether it's specific diet, lifestyle, mindset, blood tests or supplements)
-Consult 2: this consult will be 2-4 weeks later to check in and see how effective it's been for you, if we need to make any tweaks or give you any extra support to keep you going on your DIY Healing Journey
You can purchase these one-off consult packs as many times as you like. (This is an exclusive offer just for the DIY Healing Journey. One off 1:1 sessions with me aren't available anywhere else)

#2. If you'd prefer regular monthly 1:1 consults with me, then the 1:1 Healing Journey is better for you. Click the button to check it out 👇

Still have a question plaguing your noggin'? Ask away!

  • If you’re daydreaming about…

Jumping out of bed full of beans and motivated to move your bod or enjoy a slow luxurious start to your day

Having the oomph and spare time to make delicious meals that get you drooling AND make you feel light, strong and free

Feeling more balanced + able to be fully present, without all the things you ‘should’ be doing naggin’ your noggin’

  • Then let’s get your DIY Healing Journey cracka-lackin’ and get you feeling like your happiest, healthiest + most magical self!

Once upon a time I was you…

  • And now I've helped myself and hundreds of amazing humans become healthier and happier than they've ever been before.
  • I want YOU to take charge of your health + how you feel.
  • Because feeling tired, drained, meh, irritable, on edge, highly strung, overwhelmed easily – isn’t who you are and you shouldn’t just accept that this is how it always is.
  • Your body is giving you a big ol’ sign it’s time to get you feeling like your healthiest, happiest and most flourishing self TODAY! 

"Honestly 6 weeks ago I was a complete mess!"

I feel amazing now! Just simple lifestyle changes can make such a huge impact. I feel amazing! So FREE, relaxed! I now have boundaries and make rest a priority. The 1.1 sessions were the best part of the program!! I also really loved the modules! Sarah puts so much of her knowledge into these that I feel like I walked away and learnt so much!


"I have had numerous people comment who are you?!"

I was working sun up to sun down - lost all motivation to do anything for me as a person always putting the biz and my family first - I was always last on the list of things that needed to be looked after. Now I am meal prepping, cooking foods from scratch a hobby that I used to absolutely love. I am dedicating an hour a day to Pilates or Yoga helping me breathe and switch off. I have had numerous people comment who are you?! Haha as these are all things that went out the door under the constant struggling of running a company. I am more organised with my month, week and hours. Using my time efficiently and spending quality time switching off.


First month is


Then only $182 per month


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